Florida Woman Met With Instant Karma After Swinging At YouTuber, On Camera

3 days ago 1



A Florida pistillate got a sensation of instant karma erstwhile she punched a YouTuber and ended up level connected the crushed herself -- and the full thing's connected camera!

As you spot ... it kicks disconnected erstwhile contented creator Wtfbroward starts filming an unidentified pistillate having a parking batch showdown with different pistillate implicit a disabled parking abstraction extracurricular a Publix supermarket successful West Palm Beach.

When the pistillate sees Wtfbroward's filming them, her rage shifts toward him arsenic she tries to snatch the camera distant portion shouting, "F***ing erase that oregon I'll punch the f*** retired of you!"

The YouTuber tries to backmost away, but the furious pistillate follows done with her menace and throws a punch. He defends himself ... and erstwhile the camera shifts, determination she is, lying stunned connected her backmost connected the asphalt.

Wtfbroward yells, "F***ing move, bitch! You can't deed me!" But, the pistillate is oblivious arsenic she threatens to telephone the constabulary connected him ... not realizing she's been caught connected camera taking a plaything astatine him.

The YouTuber fires back, "Call 'em. You deed me. I got you connected camera hitting me!"

You spot her continuing to outcry astatine the contented creator arsenic she gets up ... and it looks similar the duo was astatine it for immoderate clip after.

The video wraps with the different pistillate -- the 1 the attacker was primitively feuding with -- telling the YouTuber she saw everything and called the cops connected the attacker.

It's unclear if immoderate arrests were made oregon charges filed.

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