Firerose's shocking allegations against Billy Ray Cyrus: When a fairy tale goes wrong

5 days ago 1

In a stunning revelation, Australian vocalist Firerose Cyrus has opened up astir her tumultuous narration with state prima Billy Ray Cyrus, alleging a bid of disturbing abuses that person near fans successful shock. Firerose, 36, described however the begetter of Miley Cyrus turned her imagination of an "epic emotion story" into a nightmare of power and isolation.

"He would rage astatine me, outcry astatine maine astatine the apical of his lungs," Firerose claimed speaking to Page Six. "He would terrify me, yelling, 'You anserine dumb f*cking b*tch, brainsick w**ore.'" The abuse, she says, started soon aft she moved to Billy Ray's Tennessee location successful 2022.

Despite his promises of a fairy-tale romance, Firerose recovered herself chopped disconnected from friends and family, with strict rules governing her each move. "It was systematic isolation, and I couldn't find the courageousness to leave," she revealed.

Their narration began successful 2010 erstwhile Firerose, past 22, met Billy Ray, 48, connected the acceptable of "Hannah Montana." Reconnecting successful 2020 to grounds a duet, Billy Ray convinced her they were "soulmates." However, Firerose was shocked erstwhile his then-wife Tish filed for divorcement successful April 2022, arsenic Billy Ray had led her to judge they were already separated.

Cyrus' systematic abuse

The accent of their narration took a terrible toll connected Firerose's health. She fainted 2 days earlier their wedding successful October 2023 and suffered debilitating migraines.

"I withdrew... I was acrophobic to talk," she said. Despite these issues, they joined astatine their farm, but Firerose described the time arsenic devoid of joyousness owed to Billy Ray's power implicit the impermanent list.

The concern reached a breaking constituent erstwhile Firerose, diagnosed with the BRCA1 cistron mutation, scheduled a treble mastectomy. On the time of her surgery, Billy Ray allegedly kicked her retired and filed for divorce. "I would ne'er dainty different quality being truthful cruelly," Firerose said, recounting the heartbreak.

Billy Ray has denied the accusations

In response, Miley Cyrus' begetter denied the allegations and accused Firerose of fraud, claiming she utilized him to boost her music career. He alleged she isolated him from his household and was abusive towards him, a assertion Firerose vehemently denies, calling it a "smear campaign."

Firerose, present surviving with a person successful Tennessee, decided to talk retired to enactment different survivors of home abuse. "If I can't usage my nationalist platform, past what accidental does anybody have?" she stated. As the ineligible conflict continues, Firerose's courageous basal sheds airy connected the often-hidden struggles of those trapped successful abusive relationships.

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