Eric Dane reveals the real reason why he was fired from ‘Grey’s Anatomy’

5 days ago 3

Eric Dane believes helium was fired from “Grey’s Anatomy.”

The “Euphoria” star, 51, opened up astir his exit from the long-running ABC bid aft starring arsenic Dr. Mark Sloan for six seasons from 2006 to 2012.

“I didn’t permission truthful overmuch arsenic I deliberation I was fto go,” Dane admitted connected Friday’s occurrence of Dax Shepard’s “Armchair Expert” podcast.

Eric Dane revealed wherefore helium was “let go” from “Grey’s Anatomy” successful 2012 and admitted to “struggling” with cause and intoxicant addiction during his tenure connected the show. AFP via Getty Images
“I was starting to go precise costly for the network,” helium said. ©ABC/Courtesy Everett Collection

When Shepard noted the histrion was “struggling” with cause and intoxicant addiction toward the extremity of his tally connected the series, Dane responded, “I was struggling. They didn’t fto maine spell due to the fact that of that, though it decidedly didn’t help.”

Dane clarified that helium believes helium was fto spell owed to fiscal reasons.

“I was starting to go — arsenic astir of these actors who person spent important clip connected the amusement — you commencement to go precise costly for the network,” helium said.

“And the web knows that the amusement is going to bash what it’s going to bash irrespective of who they support connected it—as agelong arsenic they person their Grey they were fine.”

“And the web knows that the amusement is going to bash what it’s going to bash irrespective of who they support connected it,” helium said. ABC
He went connected to admit that helium “wasn’t the aforesaid feline they had hired” astatine the clip of his 2012 departure. ABC

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He went connected to explicate that helium “wasn’t the aforesaid feline they had hired” truthful helium understood erstwhile the producers decided to fto him go.

Dane besides praised the show’s creator, Shonda Rhimes, for being “really great” passim the ordeal.

“She protected america fiercely. She protected america publicly, she protected america privately… I emotion Shonda Rhimes and she protected maine but I was astir apt fired,” Dane recalled.

“It wasn’t ceremoniously like, ‘You’re fired,’ it was conscionable like, ‘You’re not coming back,'” helium said.

Dane besides praised amusement creator Shonda Rhimes for her “fierce” extortion of him and the formed during his clip arsenic Dr. Mark Sloan. Getty Images
Dane starred connected the ABC bid for six seasons from 2006 to 2012. ABC

The “Bad Boys: Ride oregon Die” histrion said helium was sober for “three oregon 4 years” earlier helium was hired connected “Grey’s” but relapsed during the 2007 Writers Guild of America Strike.

“If you instrumentality the full 8 years I was connected ‘Grey’s Anatomy,’ I was f—ed up longer than I was sober and that was erstwhile things started going sideways for me,” helium shared.

Dane’s quality died arsenic a effect of the level clang featured successful the Season 8 finale. While helium survived that circumstantial episode, his quality yet passed distant astatine the commencement of Season 9.

He aboriginal did returned for a impermanent quality successful Season 17 alongside Chyler Leigh, who played his onscreen emotion interest, Lexie Grey. Leigh’s quality besides died successful the crash.

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