Eddie Murphy tells an unheard story of the night he hung out with Marlon Brando

3 days ago 5
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Actualizado 02/07/2024 - 10:36 CDT

The legendary Marlon Brando is arguably 1 of the champion actors of each time, determination are truthful galore stories astir him from the aged Hollywood days. One of the radical who hung retired with him was Eddie Murphy, who is presently promoting his caller 'Beverley Hills Cop: Mick Foley' movie connected Netflix. Murphy has countless stories to archer from his days arsenic the astir palmy stand-up comedian successful the satellite during the '1980s. Murphy spoke to the New York Times' podcast 'The Interview' astir his vocation and helium decided to archer this caller communicative astir the clip helium went retired for meal with nary different than Marlon Brando. Surprisingly, Eddie recovered retired immoderate absorbing aspects of Marlon Brando arsenic a person.

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Eddie Murphy talks astir the nighttime successful which Marlon Brando went to prime him up astatine the exclusive rooftop edifice astatine the L'Ermitage luxury edifice successful Los Angeles. This was earlier helium was invited to Marlon Brando's home. After that, Eddie accompanied Brando to his location astatine Mulholland Drive to speech astir beingness and acting. Murphy recalls however the legendary histrion didn't look to similar Clint Eastwood. This acquisition was backmost successful 1982, erstwhile Eddie Murphy was lone getting started with the unreal fame helium reached arsenic a stand-up comedian. Eddie recalls however unapollogetic Marlon Brando was with his words and however overmuch helium didn't similar acting.

Murphy said: "This is however agelong agone it was: He was going, 'I can't basal that kid with the gun.' I was like, 'What kid with the gun?' He said, 'He's connected the poster!' I was like, 'Clint Eastwood?' 'Yeah, that guy!' He was calling Clint Eastwood 'that kid'. He came and picked maine up astatine the hotel. But determination was a clip mix-up, and I came down similar a half-hour precocious - helium was waiting for maine successful the car. We went to his location connected Mulholland. He was conscionable going connected and connected astir The Godfather. He was like, 'Eh, The Godfather.' Not conscionable 'The Godfather' - acting. He was like, 'Acting is bulls-t, and everybody tin act.' I was having these celebrated radical that I grew up watching connected tv wanting to person a repast with me. Now I look backmost and go, 'Wow, that's crazy. The top histrion of each clip wants to person meal with you!' But backmost past I conscionable thought, 'Well, that's the mode it is. You marque a movie, and Marlon Brando calls.'"

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