Diddy's latest public appearance suggests that he might think he doesn't have any problems

4 days ago 1
  • JB

Actualizado 01/07/2024 - 17:36 CDT

It has been a brutal twelvemonth for Sean Combs arsenic decades of reported transgressions are yet coming to light. Combs -- amended known simply arsenic Diddy -- is facing a imaginable federal indictment, and respective lawsuits person been lodged against the Bad Boy Records founder, centered connected carnal and intersexual maltreatment arsenic good arsenic allegations of quality trafficking.

Diddy mislaid a ton of goodwill aft a video emerged earlier this twelvemonth that depicted the rapper violently beating his ex-girlfriend Cassie successful Los Angeles successful 2016. But Diddy's caput -- and assemblage -- are decidedly elsewhere, arsenic he's been spotted successful a unsocial determination contempt his increasing ineligible troubles.

Diddy seen successful Wyoming

Combs and a fistful of friends -- arsenic good arsenic a circuit usher -- person been spotted successful Jackson Hole, Wyoming. The scenic municipality is known arsenic a fashionable getaway for rappers and different musicians, and Combs was seen white h2o rafting determination successful what appeared to beryllium choppy waters.

However, Diddy appeared competent successful battling the rough-looking waters, which connected juncture looked fierce capable to overturn his raft. Combs and his friends each came prepared with paddles to guarantee they could grip the tricky waves.

It remains to beryllium seen what Diddy's aboriginal holds, successful and retired of the courtroom, but helium seemed to beryllium focused and successful bully spirits distant from Los Angeles and the continuing ineligible woes.

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