Chet Hanks Says 'Cokeheads' Told Him to 'Chill Out' Amid Addiction

3 days ago 3

Chet Hanks Even Cokeheads Told Me to 'Chill!!!' Talks Deep Addiction


Chet Hanks is opening up astir his past cause maltreatment ... admitting helium went overboard with his cocaine consumption, going arsenic acold arsenic calling himself a full-on "cokehead."

Tom Hanks' lad addressed his issues with cocaine during an quality connected Bradley Martyn's "Raw Talk" podcast. As helium enactment it, cocaine was the cause helium had the biggest occupation with and compared himself to Al Pacino's "Scarface" character, Tony Montana.

Chet recalled his addiction getting truthful atrocious that "known cokeheads" would archer him helium needed to "chill out." He says helium adjacent knew who the seasoned druggies were erstwhile helium ran into them astatine clubs, truthful he'd deed 'em up for coke.

Chet admits helium couldn't get capable astatine the time.

However, Chet's addiction took a toll connected him ... arsenic helium explained the cause was truly atrocious for his bosom and intelligence health.

He added ... "It’s terrible. It eats distant [at you]. You just, like, wither distant ’cause you can’t eat, you can’t sleep."

This isn't the archetypal clip Chet has spoken retired astir his addiction struggles, which he's dealt with since helium was a teen. Remember, successful 2015, Chet announced helium had gone to rehab for snorting coke and smoking crack.

He besides admitted to selling the cause astatine the time.

Chet, who is simply a dada to 8-year-old girl Michaiah, appears to beryllium doing overmuch amended these days ... and maintains a adjacent narration with his A-list begetter and mother, Rita Wilson.

He's acceptable to look successful the caller play of "The Surreal Life: Villa of Secrets," wherever he's already gotten quite a spot of buzz.

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