Ann Wilson diagnosed with cancer, postpones Heart tour after surgery: ‘I’ve much more to sing’

3 days ago 3

Heart vocalist Ann Wilson has been diagnosed with cancer.

In a heartfelt statement shared via Instagram Tuesday, the “Barracuda” singer, 74, revealed she “recently underwent an cognition to region something” that was cancerous.

“The cognition was palmy & I’m feeling large but my doctors are present advising maine to acquisition a people of preventative chemotherapy & I’ve decided to bash it,” she continued.

Ann Wilson announced her caller crab diagnosis connected Tuesday. Getty Images
“I’m feeling large but my doctors are present advising maine to acquisition a people of preventative chemotherapy,” she said. WireImage

Wilson went on to archer her followers that her doctors person suggested she “take the remainder of the twelvemonth distant from the signifier successful bid to afloat recover.”

In airy of the caller decision, the vocalist has decided to hold Heart’s Royal Flush Tour, which was scheduled to statesman successful Cleveland connected July 30 and tally done December.

“To the summons buyers, I truly bash privation we could bash these gigs. Please cognize that I perfectly program to beryllium backmost connected signifier successful 2025,” the pb vocalist of the stone set wrote.

The Heart vocalist said doctors suggested she “take the remainder of the twelvemonth distant from the signifier successful bid to afloat recover.” Getty Images for VH1
In airy of the news, Wilson is postponing Heart’s Royal Flush Tour, which was scheduled to statesman connected July 30. annwilson/Instagram

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She added. “My squad is getting those details sorted & we’ll fto you cognize the program arsenic soon arsenic we can.”

Heart’s official Instagram account told fans to “hold onto their tickets” arsenic the set promises “more accusation to beryllium announced” successful the coming weeks.

“This is simply a pause. I’ve overmuch much to sing,” she explained. “Respectfully, this is the past nationalist connection I’d similar to marque connected the matter.”

Heart’s authoritative Instagram relationship told fans with summons purchases to “hold onto their tickets” arsenic determination is “more accusation to beryllium announced.” Getty Images
The quality comes conscionable months aft the set canceled their European shows aft Wilson underwent a “routine aesculapian procedure.” Getty Images

The quality comes conscionable months aft the cancellation of the band’s European circuit dates.

The determination was made aft Wilson underwent a “time delicate but regular aesculapian procedure” that had a minimum betterment clip of six weeks.

“I’m OK. Please don’t worry. I bash apologize for immoderate inconvenience this whitethorn cause,” Wilson promised fans astatine the clip of the announcement. “It’s surely an inconvenience for me. Love & respect always, Ann.”

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