An inspired Ivanka Trump shares photos of Jared Kushner and 'long summer days'

3 days ago 3

Ivanka Trump has been sharing her emotion of poesy implicit the past mates of weeks. The girl of Donald Trump and erstwhile White House advisor has taken to societal media to stock her emotion of her hubby Jared Kushner, summer, and what appears to beryllium her ain poesy verses.

Ivanka shared a station connected Instagram, showing assorted photos of herself, her husband, and what she's been up to implicit the summer. The photos with Kushner amusement them successful antithetic moods; successful one, they're dressed successful workout clothes, with Kushner wearing sneakers, grey shorts, a achromatic t-shirt, and a cap. Ivanka wears a achromatic hoodie, a matching cap, moss-green tights, and achromatic sneakers. The 2 basal successful beforehand of a histrion populated with purple flowers. The 2nd photograph shows the 2 dressed up for a much ceremonial outing, with Kushner wearing a button-up shirt, jeans, and sunglasses. Ivanka is seen wearing a stunning matching apical and skirt that she paired with jewelry and sunglasses. 

The station shows assorted views of their location, which is undisclosed but has walkways successful the woods and plentifulness of flowers and greenery. "Sunshine and smiles connected these agelong summertime days," she captioned her post. 

Is Ivanka penning poetry?

Ivanka's determination is unknown, but it's someplace wherever determination is simply a beach. In her Instagram stories, she shared a achromatic and achromatic video of the tide, with the prima successful the background. "Standing astatine the ocean's edge, I fto the waves lavation implicit me, feeling the chaotic pulse of the Earth," she wrote. In different communicative showing an representation of the trees, Ivanka shared a caller poem. "The sunlight slips done the branches, casting a tender, aureate glow. As the trees susurration and hum their old-time secrets, brushed and low." 

While Ivanka has agelong enjoyed posting the occasional poem oregon penning from authors similar Charles Bukowski, this year, the poems she's shared look to beryllium her own. In April, she shared a station of herself and Kushner successful the desert, captioning it with a poem that mentions earthy elements similar the breeze and the sun. "Strums of heartstrings blend with the omniscient wind’s hum, A verse connected the breeze, wherever the endless roads run, In this quiescent kingdom of chromatic and sun, Her spirit’s verse is simply a melody spun," reads the post. 

"And did you constitute this?!" wrote the vocalist and songwriter Jewel. "It’s lovely!!!" 

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